From PhD to UX Researcher: Perspectives from Google and Twitter, 5/03/2022
Join Jennifer Spencer, User Experience (UX) Researcher at Google (PhD in Sociology, UC Davis) and Simon Wolfe Taylor, Senior UX Researcher at Twitter (PhD in History, Columbia University) to hear about their transition from humanities/social sciences degrees to work in the tech field, and to see if this might be the right move for you. The speakers will describe their personal journeys and then turn to practical tips regarding transferable skills, what recruiters are looking for, interview tips, and more.

Exploring Career Paths Using ImaginePhD 4/19/2022
In this workshop, you will be introduced to career paths and opportunities through self-assessment of skills, interests, and values. We will identify starting points for career exploration and using these assessments will see how your skills and interests align with particular career paths in the humanities and social sciences. This workshop will also help you identify what is most important to you in your future career.

Publicly Engaged Research and Mellon Public Scholars, 10/19/21
Publicly engaged research in the arts, humanities, and humanistic social sciences, with special attention to the Mellon Public Scholars Program at the UC Davis Humanities Institute. Facilitated by MPS Program Manager Stephanie Maroney. Watch a recording here: https://youtu.be/4h9eECDX33c

Crafting Your Graduate School Story for Employers, 11/16/21
Bethany Hopkins, Senior Career Advisor at the UC Davis Internship and Career Center will guide you through a process for communicating all that you’ve done in a humanities, arts, or social science graduate program into a coherent narrative that emphasizes your unique skills and capabilities. Watch a recording here: https://youtu.be/q8YBGUKLVsg

Grant Writing 101, 12/14/21
What are the grant funding options for your graduate research? How do you write an effective grant proposal? Where do you even begin? Watch a recording of Aury Washburn's introductory workshop -- and then join Meg Sparling Research Funding Specialist in the Office of Research, for a live Q&A on the basics of identifying, writing, and submitting grants.

Podcasting the Humanities, 1/25/22
Join the UC Davis graduate student recipients of the National Humanities Council's Podcasting the Humanities Workshop award as they share back what they learned. They will lead us through the basics of podcasting in the humanities and offer practical tips for getting started. View the event on YouTube: https://youtu.be/xYOOZd7lSHg

Podcasting the Humanities Workshop, 2/22/22
Join us in person for a hands-on workshop for arts and humanities graduate students who want to start a podcast. This event features Amy Quinton, News and Media Relations Specialist and co-host of the UC Davis podcast Unfold. Amy will give us the backstory of Unfold and share advice on how to get started on a research-based podcast. IN PERSON EVENT in Voorhies 228.