DHI Working Groups (formerly Reading and Writing Groups) are graduate student-led groups receiving funds of up to $500 for reading, writing, and research collaborations.The funds may be used to defray the costs of materials and refreshments associated with workshops or regular group meetings. DHI funds for the groups will be sent to organizers’ departments or programs. The call for Working Groups goes out in the fall.
Learn about our previous Working Groups here.
2024-25 Working Groups
A Practice-as-Research Project Combining Performance Art, Digital Humanities, Immigration, and Community Building, Iliya Giyahchi (Performance Studies)
Thinking Food Graduate Reading Group, Stacey Baran (English), Elizabeth McQueen (Spanish and Portuguese), and Leslie Geathers (Geography)
Mobility, Urbanity, Marginality: New Perspectives, Titas Ganguly (History) and Sounita Mukherjee (Anthropology)
Graduate Working Group on Comparative Temporalities, Mingrui Wen (Comparative Literature)
Critical Hit, Luna Loganayagam (English)
Adventures in Data Science for the Humanities and Social Sciences: A Cross-Disciplinary Research Methods Hub, Sara de Blas Hernández (Spanish and Portuguese)
Writing in Education, Love, and Liberation (WELL) Group, Ana Penaloza (Education)
CRTML WORKING GROUP, Clara Kaul (Cultural Studies)
Davis-Area Group for Ethics and Related Subjects, Katelyn Antilla (Philosophy)
Philosophy and Foundations of Physics Working Group, Jerome Romagosa (Philosophy)