Dialogic is a Davis Humanities Institute podcast that features guests from across the arts, humanities, social sciences, and beyond. Through interviews, conversations, and creative storytelling, Dialogic bridges disciplines to bring listeners the latest in humanities research and public scholarship at UC Davis and the surrounding community.
The intro and outro of each episode of Dialogic uses the following music:
“centered state of mind” by foxxy mulderr | https://www.foxxymulderr.com
Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
FALL 2022
EPISODE 1: Día de los Muertos
Recorded and produced for the DHI by Emily Rich
In this episode, we invite Dr. Daniela Gutiérrez Flores to discuss Dia de los Muertos. Also known as Day of the Dead, this Mexican holiday celebrates and honors those who have passed away. Dr. Gutierez Flores explains the history of this holiday, describes some of the traditional foods associated with it, and invites listeners to participate in the festivities at UC Davis.
Dr. Daniela Gutiérrez Flores is a visiting assistant professor of Spanish and Portuguese at UC Davis. She specializes in early modern Spanish and colonial Latin American studies, with a focus on the relations between texts, food, and culinary practices. She is interested in tracing the cultural meanings of food through textual and social practices, visual and material culture, and embodied and intellectual labor.
Winter 2023
EPISODE 2: Pirandello in Translation
Recorded and produced for the DHI by Elmira Louie
This episode dives into digital humanities and public-facing research through a conversation with Dr. Michael Subialka about his collaborative digital publication project, Pirandello in Translation. This project aims to bring the entirety of Luigi Pirandello’s short stories into English for the very first time. For more information and further readings, check out the resource guide.
Dr. Michael Subialka is Associate Professor of Comparative Literature and Italian, Italian Faculty Advisor, Director of Graduate Study for Comparative Literature, and Faculty Graduate Advisor. His work focuses on the interplay of literature and philosophy, modern performance and film, and translation theory and practice. His primary research is on 19th- and 20th-century Italian literature, philosophy, theatre, and film.
EPISODE 3: Ramadan
Recorded and produced for the DHI by Elmira Louie
In this episode, we chat with Dr. Mairaj Syed about Ramadan, a holy month for practicing Muslims around the world that includes multiple festivities and rituals, including fasting. Dr. Syed discusses the significance of Ramadan to our own Aggie community and offers resources for Muslim students and faculty, as well as ways non-Muslim UC Davis members can help support their colleagues and students during Ramadan. Be sure to also tune in to this episode for some personal stories and anecdotes about celebrating this holiday in the U.S. versus abroad and to learn about the types of food that different cultures traditionally eat in order to break their fast!
Dr. Mairaj Syed is Associate Professor of Religious Studies and Director of the Medieval and Early Modern Studies Program. His research interests include Islamic law, Early Islamic History, Hadith literature, Islamic Ethics, and Islamic Intellectual History, among others.
For more information on Ramadan, please refer to the resource guide
EPISODE 4: The Supreme Court
Recorded and produced for the DHI by Elmira Louie
In this episode, we are joined by Law Professor Aaron Tang to discuss his new book, Supreme Hubris: How Overconfidence is Destroying the Court—and How We Can Fix It (forthcoming from Yale University Press in August 2023). Prof. Tang shares invaluable insights into the reasoning behind several court cases, addresses some of the major issues with the Supreme Court today, and offers ways in which we, as voters, can unite to create a more balanced system.
Professor Aaron Tang teaches at the UC Davis School of Law. His research interests include constitutional law, federal courts, and education law. He has written extensively on the Supreme Court in many law journals as well as in wider-audience publications, such as The New York Times and The Washington Post, among others.
For more information on the Supreme Court, please refer to the resource guide
EPISODE 5: Rice Cultivation and Dr. Gurdev Khush’s Research
Recorded and produced for the DHI by Elmira Louie
IThis episode is brought to you as part of UC Davis’ Punjab Week of programs related to cultivation, farming, and food production. Join us as your hosts, Dr. Nicole Ranganath and Elmira Louie, chat with Dr. Gurdev Khush, a world-renowned agronomist and geneticist who has won the agriculture-equivalent of the Nobel Prize thanks to his tremendous research in increasing the global supply of rice during a time of exponential population growth. Dr. Khush has worked with many diverse nations as part of his 35 year career at the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in the Philippines, created the Khush Foundation to provide scholarships to future punjabi scholars, and is among first people of Asian descent to have been offered an assistant professorship position at UC Davis.
Dr. Gurdev Khush is currently Emeritus Professor in the Department of Plant Sciences at UC Davis. He has written numerous articles and books advancing the field of rice genetics in addition to his field work and international consulting.
EPISODE 6: Punjabi Communities in the Central Valley
Recorded and produced for the DHI by Elmira Louie and produced by Natalie Robertson.
In this episode of Dialogic, Elmira Louie is joined by Dr. Nicole Ranganath and PhD student Harleen Bal to discuss the dynamic and influential histories of Punjabi communities in the Central Valley of California.
EPISODE 7: Censorship Research and the Humanities: Yasmin Mendoza’s GradSlam Pitch
Produced for the DHI by Natalie Robertson.
In this episode of Dialogic, Natalie Robertson interviews UCD English PhD student Yasmin Mendoza, a 2023 GradSlam finalist. GradSlam is “an annual competition where master’s and doctoral students are invited to share their research in a compelling presentation that is three minutes or less.” Yasmin shares with us her award-winning pitch, “Don't Say --- : An Exploration of the Censorship of Literature in the United States,” and discusses the importance of humanistic research methods to censorship research and where her work is headed next.
EPISODE 8: Beekeeping in Shangri-La
Recorded and produced for the DHI by Natalie Robertson.
In this episode of Dialogic, Natalie Robertson interviews Samtso, a dedicated leader and beekeeper from Shangri-La, Tibet, and a Fulbright-Humphrey Scholar here at UC Davis for the 2022-23 academic year. Samtso speaks about the traditional beekeeping methods her community uses and the future of her grassroots non-profit’s work, and shares her story of empowering women through education.
EPISODE 9: Cultivating Musical Innovations in South Indian Classical Music with Sikkil Gurucharan
Recorded and produced for the DHI by Natalie Robertson.
Podcast Description: In this episode of Dialogic, Natalie Robertson interviews Sikkil Gurucharan, the Spring 2023 Artist-in-Residence here at the Davis Humanities Institute, and a leading musician and youth ambassador for South Indian Classical music, know as Carnatic music. They speak about Charan’s love for and the history of Carnatic music, the innovations and collaborations inherent to the art form, and the many senses of “cultivation” Charan discovered during his recent concert at Davis, “Bijam.”
EPISODE 10: Encountering US Central American Murals in San Francisco with Dr. Mauricio E. Ramirez
Recorded and produced for the DHI by Natalie Robertson.
Podcast Description: In this episode of Dialogic, Natalie Robertson interviews Dr. Mauricio E. Ramirez, who is currently a UC President’s and Andrew Mellon Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow in the Chicana/o Studies Department at UC Davis. Together, they discuss the history of politically-engaged murals, mural preservation, and Mauricio’s extensive and exciting work on the origins and significance of Central American solidarity murals that emerged within San Francisco's Mission District in 1984.
EPISODE 11: The Power and the Purpose of the Humanities with Dr. Archana Venkatesan
Recorded and produced for the DHI by Natalie Robertson.
Podcast Description: In the last episode of Dialogic’s first season, Natalie Robertson speaks with outgoing Interim Director of the Davis Humanities Institute Dr. Archana Venkatesan about the role of the humanities in her life, in contemporary society, and whether the humanities are in “crisis.”