Erin Hendel (English)
DHI, 2011-2012
Erin Hendel, PhD candidate in English with a Designated Emphasis in Native American Studies, wrote feature stories and was responsible for compiling DHI’s weekly e-newsletter. She is currently working on a dissertation in nineteenth-century literature, focusing on non-U.S. nationalisms in the territory now encompassed by the United States. The newest member of the DHI’s communications team, she will provide coverage of humanities research as well as manage “This Week in the Humanities.”
Sarah McCullough (Cultural Studies)
DHI, 2011-2012
Sarah Rebolloso McCullough, Ph.D. candidate in Cultural Studies interested in body-technology relationships, assisted Erin Hendel with news features and was responsible for all of DHI’s communication through our social media networks. Her dissertation on the history and culture of mountain biking considers how the cultural landscape of the Northern San Francisco Bay Area in the 1970s produced off-road riding, and the unexpected legacies of this new form of bicycling. Prior to joining the DHI communications team in January 2011, Sarah worked with the Studies of Food and the Body Mulitcampus Research Program for two years.
Tristan Josephson (Cultural Studies)
DHI, 2010-2011
As the GSR assistant for communications, Josephson provided coverage of humanities research and managed the e-newsletter “This Week in the Humanities.” Josephson is a Ph.D. Candidate in Cultural Studies at the University of California, Davis, working on a dissertation that examines how relations of (im)mobility and displacement position transgender subjects in relation to legal and cultural constructions of U.S. citizenship and national belonging.
Kiik Araki-Kawaguchi (Creative Writing)
The Art of Regional Change, Fall 2009-Winter 2010
Kiik Araki-Kawaguchi worked as a GSR for the Art of Regional Change from Fall 2009 until the Summer of 2010. Over that year he created social media for three ARC projects: Passion for the Land, Up from the Understory and Youth Voices for Change. Together with Keith Carver, Araki-Kawaguchi also collaborated with ARC Director jesikah maria ross to put on a symposium for the Youth Voices artwork. He cites the inspiring Davis Humanities Institute community for making his experience with ARC a happy and productive one.
Keith Carver (Creative Writing)
The Art of Regional Change, Spring 2010
Keith Carver spent most of his time with the DHI working on the Restore/Re-story project, gathering materials and collecting articles about the Cache Creek Nature Preserve, the history of which he found fascinating. Looking at it from the perspective of the outsider, he saw that the locals are passionate about the issues in their community and about how the area’s resources are used. He is currently writing a thesis about where he’s from, and the Restore/Re-story project got him thinking about the connections between place and character and community.
Melissa Chordas (Creative Writing)
The Art of Regional Change, 2007-08
Kahala Crayton (Education)
Multi-Campus Research Group on Food and the Body, 2008-09
Tiffany Gilmore (English)
DHI, 2008-09
While at the DHI Tiffany Gilmore did research for ARC on creating an Artist (or ARCist) in residency program, helped with the Youth Voices of Sacramento project, and worked with jesikah maria ross and Claudia Morain to develop a media plan for ARC both through University and community publications. She also worked on DHI communications and was the contact person for the David Robertson Fellowship. Gilmore credits the DHI with learning about and attending Imaging America as a PAGE fellow, which then lead to her work with the University of California Haiti Initiative) a cross UC-campus initiative which involves interdisciplinary students and faculty to lend expertise and resources to help Haiti rebuild after the earthquake.
Annett Jessop (English)
DHI, 2004-08
Annett Jessop served the DHI under two directors: Georges Van Den Abbeele and Carolyn de la Peña. Memorable events for Jessop include the founding of the Pacific Regional Humanities Center—now named the California Cultures Initiative; the “Culture of Food and Wine” Conference in March 2005; the “Beyond the Book: Humanities Scholarship in the Digital Age” Conference in 2007; as well as the many lively conversations she enjoyed with DHI staff, UCD faculty and fellow graduate students. Currently she is teaching in the English and Linguistics programs at Holy Names University in Oakland, CA, and will file her dissertation, “The Linguistic Ultimate,” in 2011.
Ingrid Lagos (Cultural Studies)
DHI, 2007-08
Ingrid Lagos first worked for the DHI in the capacity of web developer bringing her expertise as a professional in the field. Her subsequent work as a GSR allowed her to make links between the humanities and the digital world she used and created. Now she’s involved with other projects initially funded by the DHI that involve 3D visualization and Virtual Reality worlds.
Liz Montegary (Cultural Studies)
DHI, 2009-10
Marian Parsons (Community Development)
The Art of Regional Change, 2008-09
Kara Thompson (English)
Digital Humanities Initiative, 2008-09