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The UC Davis Humanities Institute invites proposals for 2021-22 Transcollege Clusters, which seek to build interdisciplinary collaborations across colleges and professional schools. We especially encourage applications from early-career faculty. Clusters are meant to facilitate exchange among faculty and graduate students in workshops, symposia, or mini-conferences, and encourage humanities and arts dialogues with other colleges and schools on campus. In addition to programming, we encourage clusters to view this as seed funding and to conceive ways that the cluster can serve as an incubator for larger projects in the future (websites and digital projects, co-authored books or journals, NEH Summer Seminars, NEH Collaborative Grants, UC-wide research groups, etc.).
Clusters may apply for up to $5,000 for the 2021-2022 academic year. Funding is awarded for this program on a year-by-year basis. Clusters must use the funds in the academic year that they are awarded. All funding decisions will be made on a competitive basis. Previous funding for research clusters does not guarantee future awards, per the above mentioned model of seed funding. Past awards from the DHI may be factored into funding decisions, depending on the number and quality of new applicants. New proposals as well as renewal applications should include the intellectual justification for the cluster. Awarded clusters will be expected to develop a basic website (with the assistance of the DHI) and to keep the DHI apprised of its activities via the events calendar on the DHI website. Funds for new clusters will be administered through the DHI. The administration of funds for renewed clusters will be moved to the Principal Investigator’s home department.
Criteria for awards include:
- the cluster includes faculty and/or graduate students from at least two colleges or schools;
- the cluster is administered and guided by faculty members;
- the cluster seeks clear, measurable impacts on research and/or creative activities and approaches in the humanities, arts and humanistic social sciences;
- the cluster addresses or includes under-represented minorities, under-served communities, and/or contributes to diverse perspectives in an area of research, study, and/or creative activity.
Application Requirements:
1. Cover sheet containing name of faculty coordinator, title of research or arts cluster, and amount requested.
2. Narrative (1200 words maximum) describing the purpose of the cluster including the intellectual or artistic significance of the collaboration, a list of participants (faculty and graduate students), and proposed activities and outcomes.
3. Proposed Budget.
Please include the application’s components, listed above, in a single pdf or Word document and apply online by 5 p.m. on Friday, June 11, 2021.