Event Date
The Community Resource and Retention Centers are pleased to announce 4 Graduate Student Researcher positions to be assigned at the AB540 and Undocumented Student Center (AB540 & USC), Cross Cultural Center (CCC), Student Recruitment and Retention Center (SRRC), and the Women's Resource and Research Center (WRRC).
For more information on each of the positions go to:
- AB540 & Undocumented Student Center: https://bit.ly/AB540USC-graduateposition
- CCC GSR Position Description: https://tinyurl.com/CCCGSR19-20
- SRRC GSR Position Description: https://srrc.ucdavis.edu/get-involved/selection/gaaap
- WRRC GSR Position Description: https://tinyurl.com/WRRCgsr20-21
For any questions or additional information, feel free to contact the following:
- AB540 and Undocumented Student Center, Mayra Llamas, mallamas@ucdavis.edu
- Cross Cultural Center-Director, Chaz Cruz chzcruz@ucdavis.edu
- Student Recruitment and Retention Center, Allie - aigwe@ucdavis.edu or Krissy - klocampo@ucdavis.edu
- Women's Resources and Research Center-Director, Cecily Nelson-Alford, cnelsona@ucdavis.edu
Application Due on Monday, May 25, 2020, by 11:59 pm
Application form available here: https://bit.ly/CRRCGSR20-21
- Must be a registered graduate student in good academic standing making progress towards a degree throughout the period of service.
- Extensive knowledge of the campus resources that support graduate students.
- Demonstrated commitment to the retention of all graduate students.
- Ability to respond to a crisis by mediating conflicts and managing crisis situations.
- Experience planning and coordinating events/activities.
- Demonstrated self-motivation and the capability to work well with a diverse group of individuals.
- Ability to take initiative and work independently, with minimum supervision and structure.
- Excellent written and verbal presentation skills and technological experience for word processing, e-mail communication, and social media.
Time Commitment & Salary
The time commitment is one academic year from mid-September through mid-June. The hours are 20 per week (flexible). The academic pay period is September 14th - June 30th. The GSR position will be a 50% appointment. Step and salary will be determined per unit. Fee remission is limited to in-state fees.
Interested applicants without work authorization can reach us at ab540-undocumented@ucdavis.edu with questions. We will work to be creative to the best of our ability to support all prospective applicants to this role.