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Living Through Upheaval is a new 18-month research and public programming initiative developed by UCHRI and the UC Humanities Collaborative to foster the systemwide engagement of humanities faculty and students around important and transformative issues related to moments of upheaval—past, present, and future. The Initiative invites faculty to apply for new thematic-specific grants on the following topics: Social Leadership, Racial Infrastructures, Conjuring Future(s), or Unexpected Collaborations Beyond the Humanities. Proposals for UCHRI grants must be multi-campus, collaborative, and interdisciplinary.
We are living in an age of profound upheaval—not only in our physical and social worlds, but also in the world of meanings composed of shared perceptions, memories, expectations, beliefs, and imaginings. COVID-19 has upended life as we have known it, physically, socially, economically, culturally. It came atop already looming upheavals, registering across a wider timetable, of climate change and soaring global temperatures, fires, and floods in the wake. Additionally, police violence and persistent racism have once again evidenced urgent concerns for equity, justice, dignity, and respect across racial distinctions. Overlaying all of this has been a severe economic dislocation disrupting individual lives and laying waste to the cultural memory and identity of whole communities.
This grant opportunity invites applicants to think creatively and expansively about knowledge production and academic collaboration under conditions of upheaval. To read more about the broader initiative and its intellectual foci, please visit the Living Through Upheaval page.
Eligible Applicants: UC Ladder Rank Faculty
Maximum Award: Up to $10,000
Application Deadline: Monday, April 5, 2021
Award Announced (Expected): May 2021
Funding Source: UCHRI/UCOP
Final awards for all of our grants are contingent upon available funding. Funding must be spent in accordance with all applicable UC rules and regulations.
Applications must be submitted online via Submittable by 11:59 PM (Pacific time) on the deadline date.
Full details here.