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Faculty Podcasting Workshops: Two Calls for Proposals
The Davis Humanities Institute is pleased to announce two virtual podcasting workshop opportunities for faculty, one this December and one next June-July. A recent article in Inside Higher Ed, It’s Time for Academe to Take Podcasting Seriously, discusses the way in which podcasting offers new ways to learn, create, and disseminate research. If you would like to gain concrete skills for how to harness podcasting as a productive tool for teaching and scholarship, or if you would like to improve on your existing use of podcasts, consider applying for one of the opportunities below.
UC Faculty Podcasting Institute
Workshop: December 13-17, 2021
Application due: November 10, 5pm
Organized by the UCLA Humanities Division and UCI Humanities Center. Funding is provided by the University of California Office of the President Multi-campus Research Programs and Initiative Funding.
Podcasting has become ubiquitous and you may wonder “does the world really need another podcast?” And yet, they continue to offer an accessible format for expert voices to engage non-specialist audiences with our subject areas, connect humanities scholarship to what is happening in our world, and participate in intellectual communities. The UC Faculty Podcasting Institute will provide hands-on training for UC humanities faculty to translate research, commentary, and community-sourced narratives into podcast episodes. Working in cross-disciplinary and intra-university teams, participants will learn how to express ideas in storyboard form, create and collect audio content, and edit their narrative into an entertaining, powerful podcast.
During the five-day virtual institute, participants will work with a group of UC faculty colleagues to create a podcast episode on a topic of shared interest. The skills learned through this practicum can then be applied to creating your own podcast series. All equipment will be purchased and sent to attendees for use during the week. Attendees will be able to keep the equipment after the completion of the Institute. Technical support will be given throughout the week. Participants should plan to attend Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm (with breaks).
Your application should include:
- Your name, rank/position, department, and contact information
- Your research interests (250 words)
- What from your research would you like to communication to public audiences?
- (250 words)
Podcasting the Humanities: Creating Digital Stories for the Public
National Humanities Center Virtual Institute for College/University Faculty
Workshop: June 27–July 1, 2022
Application due: April 1, 2022
Organized by the National Humanities Center in partnership with San Diego State University
Podcasting has become a common form of storytelling in the digital and social media age. More than reporting or delivering a lecture or essay, podcasts are accessible ways for expert voices to offer commentary on the increasingly complicated world we live in. Podcasts also offer interesting new ways to share scholarship, engage in peer review, and speak to a broader audience.
This five-day virtual institute will provide hands-on training for college and university faculty to translate research, commentary, and community-sourced narratives into podcast episodes. Working in cross-disciplinary and intra-university teams, participants will learn how to express ideas in storyboard form, create and collect audio content, and edit their narrative into an entertaining, powerful podcast. All equipment will be provided, and technical support will be given throughout the week.
Participants will:
- Forge new intellectual connections between public life, humanities research, and responsive digital media.
- Deepen collaborative inquiry and project management skills.
- Hone their ability to communicate humanities expertise in accessible and publicly-responsive formats.
- Acquire conceptual and technical skills to create, revise, and publish broadcast-ready podcasts.
- Develop skills and networks valuable within and beyond the university.
Application Process
All college or university faculty are eligible to participate. Tuition for each participant is $975 and includes all equipment (microphone, headphones, pop filter) and materials.
For more information, contact Andy Mink, Vice President for Education Programs: amink@nationalhumanitiescenter.org.