UCI History Project Associate Director position (applications open through Jan 31)

Event Date

Job #JPF07265

  • History / School of Humanities / UC Irvine


Open December 17th, 2021 through Monday, Jan 31, 2022 at 11:59pm (Pacific Time)


The History Project Associate Director will develop and implement ethnic studies and history-social science professional learning for K-12 teachers in schools and districts served by the California History-Social Science Project (CHSSP). The Associate Director will help facilitate a network of scholars, educators, and researchers to partner with teachers and administrators who currently, or plan to, offer ethnic studies as a separate course and those who are integrating ethnic studies into other history-social science courses. The Associate Director reports to and receives general direction from the Director, but works with a great deal of independence. In addition, the Associate Director works closely with the Director in the development and oversight of the full range of UCI HP programming for Southern California. We are seeking a candidate with experience creating professional learning opportunities, writing curriculum, and teaching ethnic studies.

Responsibilities of the Associate Director:
• Partner with the UCI School of Humanities, the County Offices of Education, and community organizations as well as local school districts.
• Represents the University and the CHSSP network in their work with educators, researchers, schools, districts, and county offices of education, and with other agencies and institutions including professional associations, local archives and museums, community organizations, and departments of ethnic studies, history-social science, and education at other post-secondary institutions.
• Work in partnership with multiple school districts, research centers at UCI and in California, and other relevant stakeholders to identify professional learning needs and address those needs.
• Bring knowledge of research and pedagogy in ethnic studies to provide intellectual leadership and deepen the UCI HP’s understanding of ethnic studies and how it is taught in a local setting.
• Facilitate and strengthen learning and partnership across the sites of the California Subject Matter Projects at UCI and statewide.
• Develop and implement professional learning and leadership opportunities for K-12 educators.

• Lead teacher inquiry groups and/or professional learning communities to support teacher practice and inform programs. Identify and support teachers as leaders.
• Work with the statewide network to develop materials that allow teachers to implement state adopted standards and frameworks.

• Identify and reach out to new audiences, ie school districts, and develop partnerships between UCI and the district.
• Develop and submit proposals for funding opportunities and collaborate with other organizations to support educational efforts.
• Manage a broad range of administrative tasks, such as: develop and analyze budgets, create marketing materials, manage the website and online resources, and generate reports for stakeholders.
• Supervise Graduate Student Researchers.
• Assess programs and use the information to increase the effectiveness of future programming.




Basic qualifications (required at time of application)

Graduate degree in ethnic studies, history, education, or social science.
Teaching experience in K-12 or college level.
Experience developing curriculum.
Demonstrated ability to work both as part of a team and independently with limited supervision.
Excellent oral, written, and interpersonal communication skills, including public speaking.
Comfortable working in many education environments and with teachers and scholars from varied backgrounds and experiences.
Experience providing professional development or coaching.
Knowledge and understanding of relevant California’s educational policies and guidance documents.
Ability to positively represent the UCI HP .


Document requirements

  • Curriculum Vitae - Your most recently updated C.V.
  • Cover Letter
  • Inclusive Excellence Activities Statement - Statement addressing how past and/or potential contributions to inclusive excellence will advance UCI's Commitment to Inclusive Excellence. See our guidance for writing an inclusive excellence activities statement here: https://ap.uci.edu/faculty/guidance/ieactivities/

Reference requirements

  • 2-4 letters of reference required

Submit two current letters of recommendation.

Apply link: https://recruit.ap.uci.edu/JPF07265


The University of California, Irvine is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer advancing inclusive excellence. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, disability, age, protected veteran status, or other protected categories covered by the UC nondiscrimination policy.


Irvine, CA

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