The 2022-2023 Conversation Series will focus on two themes. The first is a series on reproductive rights spear-headed by Prof. Meaghan O'Keefe and Prof. Mairaj Syed. The second is a year-long, cross-campus collaboration public humanities program on the theme of Cultivation.
In addition, this year, the DHI will host smaller roundtables, panels, and webinars on topics of contemporary relevance.
America & the States of Abortion
The US Supreme Court’s recent reversal of Roe v. Wade in 2022 has focused attention to abortion access in American. While the public is aware of the role of advocacy organizations and media outlets in this national conversation, they are perhaps less familiar with how current scholarship tackles abortion’s complexities. This series of panel discussions gathers scholars from different disciplines at UC Davis to discuss abortion from multiple perspectives to enable the audience's understanding of how religions, ethics, politics, law and science view abortion.

Abortion & Religion
Wednesday November 2nd, 2022, 6:00-8:00PM
Alpha Gamma Rho Hall UC Davis Alumni Center
Many people assume that religion is opposed to abortion. The reality is both more complicated and more interesting. In this panel discussion, experts in the field of religious studies will unpack how history, politics, and ethical reasonings have shaped different religious views of abortion.
Lynna Dhanani, Religious Studies
Liza Grandia, Native American Studies & Human Rights Studies
Naomi Janowitz, Religious Studies
Meaghan O'Keefe, Religious Studies
Mairaj Syed, Religious Studies

Abortion & Law
Monday January 23rd, 2022, 6:00-8:00PM
Alpha Gamma Rho Hall UC Davis Alumni Center
Abortion & Science
Monday April 17th, 2022, 6:00-8:00PM
Alpha Gamma Rho Hall UC Davis Alumni Center