
The DHI Visioning Committee has been appointed

  • Jenny Kaminer, Faculty Advisor for the Arts and Humanities; Professor, Dept of German & Russian
  • Ana Lucia Cordova, Strategic Initiatives Manager; or Meg Sparling, Office of Research
  • Beatriz Cortez, Associate Professor, Dept of Art
  • Aaron Fai, Membership and Diversity Officer, Consortium of Humanities Centers and Institutes; Public Humanities Project Advisor, UC Berkeley
  • Tessa Hill, Associate Vice Provost of Public Scholarship & Engagement; Professor, Dept of Earth & Planetary Sciences
  • Michael Lazzara, Associate Vice Provost

Professor of Russian Jenny Kaminer appointed the Dean’s Office Faculty Advisor for the Arts and Humanities

Sent on behalf of Estella Atekwana, Dean of the College of Letters and Science     I am very happy to announce that Jenny Kaminer, professor of Russian, is the Faculty Advisor for the Arts and Humanities, a new two-year post in the Dean’s office. In conjunction with faculty and others, she will work toward assisting and elevating the many departments, programs and institutes that are part of arts and humanities at UC Davis.

The key role of this position will be helping to chart a course for the UC Davis Humanities Institute (DHI) during this period of transition.

Conversation Series | Reproductive Rights














On Abortion and the Law
January 23, 5:30-7:30 PM


On Abortion, Science and Medicine
April 17, 5:30-7:30 PM

This series is supported by the Davis Humanities Institute and the L&S Dean's Office.

Congratulating our UC Davis NEH Award Winners

The NEH awarded $24 million this month in grants to support 225 humanities projects nationwide. Projects range from the preservation of historic collections, to humanities exhibitions and documentaries, to scholarly research and and curriculum projects. 

The UC Davis Humanities Institute would like to heartily congratulate UC Davis 2021 National Endowment for the Humanities winners:

Marine Thinking: a Blue Humanities Roundup

The academic research area of the blue humanities applies critical tools, such as those of literature, cultural studies, and history, to oceanic contexts. Where these fields conventionally take the terrestrial as their point of departure, the blue humanities takes the ocean as its, in highly interdisciplinary lines of inquiry. 

Zombies: What’s Freud Got to Do With It?

Just in time for Halloween, Kyle Bishop, associate professor of English at Southern Utah University and an authority on zombies in U.S. popular culture, will be at UC Davis at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 28th to discuss what zombies do for us and why they just won’t “die.”

Congratulations to Human Rights Studies for Engaging Humanities Award

The University of California Humanities Research Institute has awarded the UC Davis Human Rights Studies Program one of its first Engaging Humanities seed grants, intended to support UC faculty in pursuing thoughtful engagement with diverse publics beyond the academy. Alongside collaborators from UCLA, The History Project, and a community partner, The Genocide Education Project (GenEd), Human Rights Studies will use these funds to pilot a summer institute in genocide and human rights studies for California high school teachers. A prototype workshop is being planned for summer 2021.