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Online via Zoom
Jessica Bissett Perea, Associate Professor, Native American Studies
Sound Relations: Native Ways of Doing Music History in Alaska
with moderator Stephanie Maroney, MPS Program Manager at DHI
What does it mean to sound (or not sound) Native? Who decides? And how can Indigenous-led and Indigeneity-centered analyses of Native musicking reframe larger debates of power and representation in twenty-first century American historiography? From hip hop to Christian hymnody and drumsongs to funk and R&B, Jessica Bissett Perea offers relational and radical ways of listening to a vast archive of Inuit presence across a range of genres to register the density (not difference) of Indigenous ways of musicking. Native ways of doing music history engage processes of sound worlding beyond colonial nation-state notions of containment and measurement, and instead amplifies possibilities for more just and equitable futures.