Event Date
Please join the DHI for an online Conversation event
The Minneapolis Uprising: Abolition and the Struggle for a Police-free City
Thursday July 23, 4-5:30pm PST (6-7:30pm CST)
This event has passed. Please view it on our YouTube page.
In the six weeks since the murder of George Floyd, collective outrage over systemic, racist police brutality has turned the city of Minneapolis into ground zero for abolitionist struggle. Over the course of a week, a multi-racial coalition of Minneapolis organizers and residents set up community defense units and citizen fire squads, built mutual aid networks and outdoor kitchens, occupied a hotel and moved in 200 unhoused residents, and convinced the city council to pledge the defunding and abolition of the Minneapolis Police Department. In this panel, organizers from Minneapolis will talk about the decades of multi-racial and Black-led organizing that has led to these victories, reflect on the lessons and promises of the Minneapolis uprising, and discuss the path forward for abolitionist and Black liberation struggles in the US and globally.
Adam Bledsoe, University of Minnesota
Junauda Petrus-Nasah, Free Black Dirt
Sheila Nezhad, Reclaim the Block
Rosemary Fister, Minneapolis Sanctuary Project
moderated by Charmaine Chua, UC Santa Barbara