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To engage reviewers and ensure a proposal makes it past the first round of review, researchers need a concise, compelling research "pitch."
Register here.
About this Event
Funding agencies will always receive more proposals than they can support, and the time program officers and peer reviewers are allotted to conduct their initial readings of submissions is slim. What does this mean for you, the grant writer? Most funding agency reviewers make an initial decision on whether or not to fund a proposal after reading the first page.
How can you best ensure your reviewers turn to page two? By developing your ability to describe the entirety of your proposed project—including the rationale, methods, and potential significance—in one page or less. As standalone documents, these "one-pagers" are highly-useful framing documents for discussions with program officers, potential collaborators, and mentors.
During this session, attendees will get an inside look at the basic review criteria most commonly applied by staff across all federal funding agencies. Following this, participants will then deconstruct sample one-pagers to assess organization and flow of logic before moving on to the final stage: writing a one-pager for their next proposal.
All UC Davis faculty and staff researchers, postdoctoral scholars, administrative staff and graduate students are warmly invited to attend this event. To confirm your UC Davis affiliation, be sure to use your @ucdavis.edu email address when registering.
For questions, comments, or concerns, please contact the Bootcamp facilitator, Dr. Sarah Messbauer, at smessbauer@ucdavis.edu.
This session is the fourth in the IRS team's Fall Quarter Grant Writing Bootcamp, a series of 7 highly-interactive workshops designed to increase researchers' knowledge of (and facility with) the grant writing process. By the end of the series, participants will walk away with written materials for all major components of the grant proposal of their choice.